
PPC, YellowDogLinuxでも難なくインストールできました。

$ make
$ sudo make install
$ make samples
$ make progdocs
$ /usr/sbin/asterisk -h
Asterisk 1.2.18, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Digium, Inc. and others.
Usage: asterisk [OPTIONS]
Valid Options:
   -V              Display version number and exit
   -C <configfile> Use an alternate configuration file
   -G <group>      Run as a group other than the caller
   -U <user>       Run as a user other than the caller
   -c              Provide console CLI
   -d              Enable extra debugging
   -f              Do not fork
   -g              Dump core in case of a crash
   -h              This help screen
   -i              Initialize crypto keys at startup
   -n              Disable console colorization
   -p              Run as pseudo-realtime thread
   -q              Quiet mode (suppress output)
   -r              Connect to Asterisk on this machine
   -R              Connect to Asterisk, and attempt to reconnect if disconnected
   -t              Record soundfiles in /var/tmp and move them where they belong after they are done.
   -T              Display the time in [Mmm dd hh:mm:ss] format for each line of output to the CLI.
   -v              Increase verbosity (multiple v's = more verbose)
   -x <cmd>        Execute command <cmd> (only valid with -r)


Asteriskの動作を制御するAsterisk Manager Interface(AMI)やダイヤルプランを制御するAsterisk Gateway Interface(AGI)のPythonバインディングもあるので、そのあたりも扱いたいと思ってます。
StarPy :
py-Asterisk :
pyst :